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zapewnie nieraz widziałeś te żebrobanery na wikipedii ju t to all ocr readers in tee uk please don t scroll past tais tais friday we interrupt your reading to v li humbiy afk y-u to defend wikipedia s rrrdependente    of ocr readers don t gtve they simply look tee ocher wdy y-u are agi exceptional render tz whatever y-u cen tais rrirtay wikipedia muld kiep thriving for yeats we afk y-u humbly please don t scroll away wikipedia has given y-u zz worth oi knowledge tais year take a minute to donate show tee wored who has already donated we sincerely thank y-u ifyou donatejust   oi sar trat access to reliable neutral information masters to y-u thank y-u jak lubisz wikipedie i często z niej korzystasz pewnie nawet coś wplacileś. niestety zapewne nie zdajesz sobie sprawy na co idzie ten hajs. wikimedia foundation organizacja która zajmuje się wikipe wikimedia foundation inc. organizacja nonprofit z san francisco z     pracownikami ostatnimi laty się rozrosła. wydatki wikipedii wzrosły z    m nów w      do     oków w     . to dz wie biorąc pod uwagę że sama wlklpedia nie wiele sle w tym czasie zmienila. koszty serwerów nawet zmalały między      a      wynoszą tylko     miliona. witttrrnta thttirnta jakkolwiek wikipedia twierdzi że jest politycznie neutralna wikimedia jest otwarcie lewacka. na co więc idzie hajs poza finansowaniem innych siostrzanych projektów hajs leci na inne organizacje iglu pracowników wikipedii jest zangażowanych w ten proces. jednocześnie sam content wikiped jak i innych projektów wi inedii jest tworzony darmowo przez wolontariuszy i randomów z internetu. wiat we mian by racial equity elit tee wlklmedia foundation defines racial equity as shirting away from eurocentricily white mnie imperiaiist patriarchal suprematy superiority power and privllege to create an environment trat is inclusive and reflects tee experiences of communities of chlor worldwide. thebe mores of privilege menlicned above function as setting tee dominant socjal political legal policy oriented and cultural norms around tee wored. racial equity means acknowledging explicit and implicit affirmative actions for white people and groups with privilege related to skin chlor are created systemically through institutional power dominance and control racial equity aids to promowe consistent and sustained repair for noanhite norirus and eurocentric communities and communities lhat continue to experience herm dce to raciom and cashe based udon colorlsm wikimedia we cell udon govemments to. neeseaiate police standofi s. recognize tee right anki legitrmnei of pudlic protest. deescalate tensions. retincc police timhilimiioll anki end tee ube of weapons in crowd control during sneh legitimate puhhe protests. abakankami protest freudom of expression. safeguard protesters fundamental human lights to freudom of assembly and freudom of speech. respekt anki enable tee right of tee preis to more and report freely and iiitiiont intimidation. abakankami aft trot fundamental and equal rights. evorvonc is orrdorred willi fundamental human rights affirm outr equal anki disnum tali sl n linlri lal anki willtc supr cntaetst ideologies anki tlen onahters. abakankami reform criminaljttsticc systems support efforts to increase community oversight inwit ube oster cc reform prosecutor ikt orerreath and sentencing anki retintrorinee vigorous anki intiepentient accountability mechanisms jedna z organizacji na którą idzie hajs wikipedii to serch która dostala ćwierć miliona zielonych. w ramach reprezentacji mniejszości w naukach ścisłych zajmuje się ona jakąś pojebana ezoteryką produkcją długich filmików na yt z kilkudziesięcioma wyświetleniami i szkalowaniem obiektywności. żo idei roe saw rouuoariew śr tee snem en route to chanie foundatloll or nie serch foundation. inc is a not for nrotit organization dedicated tn using science tachnoltzyy engineering and vanguardstem is an online community and platform trat centers tee experiences of wojen girls and nonrbinary people of chlor in science technology engineering. and mathematics snem fields we publish original and curated content using cultural production to include a multiplicity of identities as wochy oi recognition and thus redefine snem identity and belonging vanguardstem is rooted itrmly in queer black feminisms which delineate trat tee experiences and critiques of black wojen master and trat thebe insights cen foster a restorative and regenerative constmciion otthe cultures in which we egist in describing hiw variguardstem descended from oounterspaces we dław on speculative fiction to define a variguardstem hyperspace as a fluid place lime trat is barn digital and enabled by socjal media but materializes in tee phystcal wored tor specific purposes as black wojen in snem we consider hiw ocr situated knowledges and scientific expertise inform ocr process we propose an tnterseciionai scientific methodology to address tee influence ol embodied ooservation emheoded content and collective impakt on scientific inquiry through vanguardstem we assert without apology. tee right or black indigenous wojen of oster and non bonary people or chlor to sylf advocate by fuldy representing ourselves and ocr snem identities and interests without assimilation ahstmcl marii prvsrrsaor rr r mwymwnrm minimum orosi esa draudwai iti trnvdnqundsiemnrncrmauesll inną która dostala tyle samo jest borealis philanthropy. ta się niczym nie zajmuje poza finansowaniem różnych lewicowych organizacji i mediów. l free tee future tee ellc fund celebrates visionary lgbtq leaders e i ślę or chlor        krvrtkrtwev lori rennvtsnnett ironhidesitkttiierttcrortttswiivvotirotterntt r rr artrerrroorrirurm rurami umrruourrerrrr it taint. rainingrvsrensrtenartneeitatieeiinntietntdetentioncenterstnatttyitia utrudnianie tiar non schools understand tee kły questions tai king points moni tka demand is stillneiund and wiat s nam saper and more justine communities without policing. equip ate to lil i irli liiusucii muiildi maat on kt wiat hace organizers accomplished w since tee      uprisings ma jm tet. iieirtiibers ininiiiniti fromlriesummerai     lceariy     of ptopcwnortaiiyntkr t organizers nade rnrr intiniivarc lirttr tttuiniitri tort mew ti nn siinrd stianatrs wrrsarrur iivttn ktivto s txii tati olei we rar iioii tittiiais iioni entice r sim etnnit nas ivestnioi troi ilitnsi  i  ilii ian bur without police who will protest www us from robbers  t murderers iurrrorod to tioli llicul iii za cities saiiiti an atitiitena    rial ian in tais irarlstltort proeess we may nerd   mru seeriaiited claus cl pudlic sertanrs whose job wiat din s police abandon mian rr rs to rospond ray elem ritrles we est uu trot srrreor ocr rur rumu ineiniieis ntiiitiiny racial equity in journalism fund mores  .   million to bipoc newsrooms and field building partners dziażdżżii s ti rr racial equity w in journalism racial equity in journalism fund mores     million to    bipoc or anizations including    ew grantees established in oktober      eoreaiis philanthrony s racial equily in laurnallsm real fund proudly ouiids and nourishes tee capacity and sustainapinw at news organizations and ioumaiisnt ekosystem partners led by black. indigerlous and people of cokor bipocl in pursuit of a future where cmmuriities of dior are powerful as a result of tee cul tiral hince created from thrivirii bipoc journalism ibis month tee rej fund announced awards of     million to la orsanixations as will as         in research droiect grants revresentins ihs largest annual krintmakiflz budżet to date. sot ettiis philanlhntpy s racial equity in journalism fugi united status         to pt oi twit ti opl sylsdr investment lu support ussbttscd journalism organizations led in anki ror people or chlor helling expand nous anki pnhiic attairs coverage in communities ni eoior through tee rncinl iustiee in journalism fund we unii sceit to increase inertna coverage anki subsequently soilire citations for ivikirriedia projects abort issues anki leaders trat impakt liber communities. wi podia nie potrzebuje twoich pieniędzy bo ma już ich aż nadto. twoich pieniędzy potrzebuje jej pasożyt jakim jest wikimedia do żywienia rozmaitych innych pasożytów które nie służą niczemu poza zaognianiem konfliktu kulturowego na zachodzie. udupiu pl
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