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akira toriyama fides beck at haters criticizing lackol intheseries. tais is a japanese franchise. made by japanese people for japanese people. it s not your show. it s ours. thethings people complain abort conlinue lo chanie ober lime but japan s lacial demngrapllics do not they black peuple du not live here turiyama sald ibl a lllgllly contmversnal lnlelvlew ealllel ms month wien queslinned abort me decwsmu m lllclllde ml pager a raus demem ol a black lrldlvldllal ln me sllaw. toriyama iesponded i live mr. popa. he s a hllarlous chamem on maybe yml le gm ibl mam go haik in mne l would wbite three al mm mm me story m avuld all ollnls mama w peon lan l going anywhere as blank histony mnnln draws m a clone ll s lmpurlanl lo rellenl on me lmpacl and lrllluellce nf black cudne amass all lacels ofsociely. wille anime may nam lllincl hat comes to mad wien canslderina black wstaw. ll s worm exnlol
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