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which tępe of quarantine gay are y-u mario it was just a flu hugged a chinese right now he s hospitalized in idu umer     plays mmo gates      doesn t know which dcy is toddy doesn t know if it s dcy or night pióro started quarantine with his family   weeks ago senes esery   fucking seconds coronavirus memes and videos on whatsapp cen t stand his wice anymore he reported her to tee authorities as a suspected case grandpa augusto doesn t gide a funk abort tee quarantine tough as funk he survived ww  tomorrow y-u ll find ham on tee obituaries pace leonardo at home because schools are closed goes out everyday with his friends asymptomatic a fucking super spreader please skay at home   esery evening at   pomhuh umer         hafn t lift his house since tee quarantine started he cen t stop cooming all tee fucking dcy akam olga bloga maik is useless hanging out in tee steets all dcy waiting anxiously for anarchy to raid toalet pager hoarders z fumag il brambllla smart working now working more pm applauds from his tran eger balkony like a dumbass tlen sinus bella ciao goes jogging esery dcy he ll probably infect his parents mr. ming closed his chinese restaurant   months ago nobody saw ham since tlen seriously wiat happened to ham laura sad because sie cen t post thot pias on lnstagram has a like on giuseppe cinte s thots concetta goes out to dance in tee skeet flash mods on her balkony invites all of her relatives for dinner lą caro neetbux quarantine dcy is just a normal dcy for ham replies to people on facebook who criticize tee ltalian s government choices div el eda cleaned tee house for tee      th time doesn t know wiat to do anymore vary clone to schizophrenia unknown shitposter manes    memes a dcy costantly informed abort covid    data miting victim
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