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tweet  . z cody ko q codyko      v whats tee best blok by a youtuber i wanna ruad it just to sie hiw much i better of a blok i could wbite    ł    o    mi sara sarasamss  rn v codyko y-u know m not sure if any youtubers hace written a blok y-u migot be out of luck.   w noah maybefritz dm v sarasamss codyko ksi connor franta tyler oakley and john green. b l w sara sarasamss  m v maybofritz codyko wdy doesn t anyone on twitter understand sarcasm   br.   f  noah maybefritz  m v sarasamss codyko ihs hord to. decipher sarcasm through tent lol. by tee wdy y-u re vary cité   ł o mi sara sarasamss  m v maybefritz imho thx.     r  i noah v maybantz sarasamss yeah trat was sarcasm funk y-u              pm    v w meupiupl
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